Thursday, August 2, 2012

Buy an Electronic Cigarette for Someone in Your Life Who Smokes

Is there someone in your life who smokes and you wish that he didn't? It is hard to live with a smoker. There are constant complaints about the smell and the second hand smoke. There is also the nagging fear of what the smoker is doing to his lungs and his body. It is well known that smoking can lead to several different kinds of cancers and other health problems. Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death in the country. Many smokers want to quit but they have not been able to find the willpower to do it.

They also like the way that smoking feels and do not want to give that up. Now there is a tool that will help your loved one to break the tobacco cigarette habit. You should consider buying him an electronic cigarette starter kit. Your loved one may have tried quitting in the past without results. Electronic cigarettes could give him the advantage that he needs.

They are different from the nicotine gum and the patches because they look like tobacco cigarettes. They also feel like tobacco cigarettes when they are held and used. The difference is that they are not smoked, there is no flame involved. Instead a liquid is used that is heated by the heating element inside the unit. The liquid turns into a vapor, which is what the user inhales.

That is why they are also called smokeless cigarettes, there is no smoke. When looking at electronic cigarettes make sure that you buy a good quality starter kit, especially if you are buying it for someone else. You want the smoker to succeed and so the quality of the kit will matter. The kit will contain everything that is needed to make the switch.

You might also want to purchase a car charger, especially if he like to smoke when he drives. The battery in the electronic cigarettes is rechargeable. After the initial kit has been purchased all that will be needed is the juice for the vapor. It comes in many different flavors, making each experience a different one. Part of the reason that some people are hesitant to stop smoking is because they like the feel of the smoke in their mouths and the vapor will allow for that to continue.

The vapor is available with different amounts of nicotine to make it easy to cut back and then quit that part of the habit all together. When you approach the subject of an electronic cigarette with the smoker make sure that you have several arguments prepared. Talk about the health benefits, not only his but also for those around him.

Second hand smoke and its unique set of risks will be a thing of the past. Also be prepared to mention the amount of money that will be saved. Smokeless cigarettes cost a lot less than tobacco cigarettes, the savings will be noticed in no time at all. If your loved one makes the switch everyone will be happier.